
Key Ways to Successfully Grow, Manage, and Create the Elder Law practice you need

The Legalboards team was excited to be joined by Audrey Ehrhardt, Esq., CEO of Practice42 for an informative session originally held on May 28th, 2024. Audrey talked all about elder law practices and how to make your Elder Law practice become more efficient.

Watch The Webinar

In this free previously recorded webinar, you’ll get some strategies for creating, growing, and managing a successful Elder Law practice. 

Learn How To Implement These Tips Using Legalboards

Want to learn more about how to take the theories and make them practical? Stay tuned for a special course that will help you apply what you learned during this session. Curious about how Legalboards can help with the way you work? Learn more about our time-saving features here

If you have any questions about the session, please feel free to reach out to us here!

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