
Technology Tips to Optimize Efficiency and Reduce Stress for Lawyers

With laptops, smartphones, and persistent internet, lawyers are only a call, text, or email away from business and client demands. Simple and affordable tools, services, and apps can be used to help busy lawyers reduce stress while delivering superlative client service.

Technology Tips for Lawyers

Join Adriana Linares of LawTech Partners in this webinar that will detail how lawyers can use technology to get their practices organized and increase their bandwidth and productivity.

Meet Your Host: Adriana From LawTech Partners

Adriana Linares is a legal technology consultant and trainer. She is a frequent speaker at national technology conferences and a regular contributor to legal blogs, publications, and podcasts. Learn more about LawTech Partners and Adriana here.

Watch The On-Demand Webinar

Watch the webinar below or on YouTube.

Learn More

Visit our resource section to learn more technology tips for lawyers.

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