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Legalboards’ features go beyond the traditional case management system to help agile lawyers get things done. You can send us a message through our chat feature or an email:

Frequently Asked Questions

To share a board you’ll need to add your guests to your Legalboards account. Invite them by going to settings and finding “Team Management”. Check out this video guide as well.

Creating a Legalboards account is simple, just follow this guide on how to create an account and get started with your first board. Check this video.

We have a $24 USD Basic Plan that has some limitations to boards and the amount of automations you can create, and a $58 USD Advanced Plan that is unlimited. You can find more details on our price page.

Legalboards has almost 10 different automations for you to implement in your boards. Setting them up follows essentially the same 3 steps; when, filter by, and action. You can find specific guides on common automations and more information about automations here